Graduated from the University of California, he was responsible for strategic planning and resource integration of companies, and served as an initial blockchain investor and CEO in Silicon Valley.
- Graduated from the University of California
- Initial members of XRP, responsible for investment and consulting services
- GMPCblockchain CEO
Graduated from Moscow State University with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in computer programming, an initial member of the Ethereum ecosystem and an initial code contributor to the Russian Blockchain Institute.
- RussiaMoscow State University bachelor’s and master’s degree
- Music World Cup、OVRprojectCTO
- Initial member of the Ethereum ecosystem
- Member of Russian Blockchain Institute
Graduated from the Paris Institute of Political Studies(Sciences Po) of Economics and Sociology, and after graduating from the Paris Higher Commercial School of Business Administration, he is in charge of VIP customer care at the Santander International Bank of Spain.
- SpainSantander International Bank VIP Customer Care
- Polkadotproject Ladder NetworkEuropean representative
- Polkadotinitial Investor
After graduating from Peking University with a bachelor's degree in economics, she is responsible for investment and strategy planning in Greenland Holdings, CFLD International marketing planning, and Google Blockchain marketing.
- Graduated from China PekingUniversity
- GreenlandHoldingsinvestment and strategy planning manager
- CFLDInternationalMarketing palnning manager
- Google top R&DblockchainMarketing manager
Graduated from the IESE Business School in Spain, he is the European Representative for Definer Blockchain and responsible for risk management of Citigroup Bank financial instruments and Deutsche Bank derivatives.
- Graduated from Spain IESEBusinessSchool
- DefinerblockchainEuropeanrepresentative
- CitigroupBankfinancial product team manager
- DeutscheBankDerivative Risk Management Manager